The EnviroSafe™ is a packaged and pre-assembled ventilation system that offers all the necessary services for hatcheries in a simple energy efficient unit. The system provides ventilation, chilled water for the setters and hatchers as well a hot water where needed with the added advantage of Heat Recovery gained from the warm water return lines.
The entire system is controlled with the Enviro-Eclipse™ control system that offers the ultimate in environmental control and energy efficiency.
It’s a complete solution for the required services and supplied as a finished ‘plug and play’ unit assembly with a spacious plant room containing system pumps, glycol top-up, system valves, plate heat exchanger, boilers and controls. In essence, everything, with the exception of the fans, that may require servicing is in easy access. Also incorporated is a dual fan system for ventilation redundancy.
The EnviroSafe™ is designed to stand outside the hatchery with its rugged cabinet build and profiled roof to withstand the harshest of weather conditions anywhere in the world. The system is ideal for providing extra capacity to new or existing ventilation systems or for ventilating hatchery expansions without having to go to the expense of renovating or replacing the existing HVAC equipment and ducting.